Inexplicably Close? – The Trump-Putin Axis Explained

Image of a stack of coins and a rising business chart before it
Money, more money, profits… (Image licensed via Adobe CC)

All of you who are wondering and perhaps even seem to be challenged in believing it: Trump and Putin actually and truly are close.


How can it possibly be that a fiend such as Putin is close to someone like Trump, after all the president of the leading nation of the ‘free world’?

It’s basically three principles that apply:

    • “Cui bono?” – The Latin phrase is age old and describes what you would look for in most questions of business and politics to get a clear picture: “Who benefits?”
    • There’s history to rely on for similar examples: The Roman Empire especially and its several emperors in its later stages; corruption was common then.
    • Trump as well as Putin are very much alike in terms of personality: They crave attention and power, to different degrees. They need money and more money to achieve that.
      • That’s their basic common denominator or ground.

One proof was presented at the time (2016 US-presidential elections) by two newspapers, one of which cannot be trusted these days anymore because it was acquired by amazon’s founder. The proof was confirmed by the Pulitzer Prize committee (among others).
The New York Times still stands like a beacon, as yet.

Also please take into account that war especially in modern times is a means to an end. Cruel, but just that. Just as Netanyahu first aggravated and then used the conflict about Gaza to cover up the fact that the numbers of his votes were decreasing fast at the time – and the support for his internal politics declining.

For all of my readers who feel discouraged in the face of adversity and the abyss of human depravity, do not despair:

We are not the only ones worrying! The state of the world has been better – but it also has been worse, in the course of history!

Just think what the 30 Years’ War meant to Europe at the time!

Remember: Remind your democratically elected representatives of their tasks – and of what you really want.

Keep at it – and don’t forget about the breaks!


Screenshot of NATO member states, current, taken at 21-01-2025_06-16-46 at

The signs are there: He had the majority of Supreme Court Justices newly instated during his first time in office. He initiated the attack on the US-Capitol. The signs also are there that he will try to limit freedom of the press. At least.

He is on best terms with president Putin of Russia, who demonstrably manipulated elections in 2016 in Trump’s favour. I am convinced that the deal was worked to make peace in Gaza and Syria so that eventually NATO and Ukraine will agree to special contracts, regarding Ukraine’s status as non-member.
And when you look at the OFFICIAL NATO map, screenshot above taken from their website today, you cannot but wonder how one would not feel at least uncomfortable, being part of the white space to the right…

I recommend (yet, as long as they can) The New York Times as source of reliable information: They have won Pulitzer prizes for their reporting, research as well as content.
Note, update: The Washington Post some time ago was acquired by Jeff Bezos, the founder and owner of amazon and a Trump follower. So, although at the time the link’s content was created, it was reliable; it is not anymore.

Trump himself, as regards a non-character who is willing to do anything to appear powerful and wealthy, is a criminal several times over: He was ruled guilty before US courts more than once, for fraud and bribery as well as sexual coercion.

The Supreme Court, whose Justices in majority he instated newly with his followers during his first term in office, overruled those verdicts with the rather threadbare argument that he had been president and thus immune…


‘Stand-up’ Comedians: The President-elect of the US and Companies Donating – Nero Burning Rome…

Painting of Poppea and Nero Having the Head of Octavia Brought Forward to Them by Giovanni Muzzioli
Poppea and Nero Have the Head of Octavia Brought Forward to Them by Giovanni Muzzioli – Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons

I wonder sometimes if there ever was a similar government and its head in history as the one coming up on Monday, 20th January…?

They say Nero in ancient Rome was made fun of, at the time and in later centuries; considered to be downright crazy and not to be depended upon. He apparently set fire to Rome, and had his mother and his first wife murdered.

Four years ago a person that has been ruled a criminal several times over in front of legal US courts, incited an attack on the US Capitol. A building that is one epitome of a republic claiming to be the oldest existing democracy and the seat of its parliament. 

And here they all are, be that Microsoft, Apple, Uber, amazon or Boeing: Millions of dollars donated just for the inauguration. Licking his boots.

The most pitiful spectacle is Trump himself who earnestly sends a message of ‘everybody wanting to be with him’ on social media.

Let’s just hope that somebody over there still has some sort of sense left and eventually will stop this sorry excuse for a man.

So needy he stops at nothing to get attention and be counted ‘powerful’ and rich, when you look at his history (Link to PBS broadcasting company’s site, FRONTLINE series of documentaries; this one award-winning).

“The Devil’s General” – President-elect at it Again: “Trump Is Back and Chaos Ensues”

Eagle – or Vulture? (Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons by Thermos)

I wonder if we would perhaps rather laugh than weep: Trump, true to form, spreads chaos, misinformation, and the simple self-centered accusations against all and sundry he is so well known for.

Well, himself as well as his latest ‘aide’ turned-suddenly-Republican (G.O.P: Not so grand after all…) Elon Musk are a pair if ever there was one: using money in bucketloads to draw any kind of attention to themselves.
That Musk has rather suddenly changed his tune a few years ago is quite explicable and not the least bit surprising, if you know that some of the latest Tesla-models face severe technical faults and even a failure of his whole company is around the corner because he would have to return millions of government funds (yes, taxpayers’ money!) – if he cannot find government officials that rule in his favour and keep things just ‘floating’ his way…

You cannot help but love the New York Times for their verve and esprit in being precise, to the point, and comprehensive.
Read the full story here that I took the quote of the title from: Dripping Faucets and Seizing Greenland: Trump Is Back and Chaos Ensues

Let’s all of sound mind and responsible ideas keep our voices heard, loud and clear! This is no way to go, Mr Trump and Mr Musk!

The other day Mr Trump has made clear he wants to be seen as ‘deal maker’.  Turning back to his oldest profession, the financier, businessman… ‒ who’s caused bankruptcy to thousands of his stakeholders in order to save his own ‘hide’ ‒ so, he would use anything to close a deal.

Deals usually are closed any old way: Using threats is one of them.
Get the other party to believe in your decisiveness, your preparedness to go to extremes.

In other words: Blackmail.

Surprising? Not really. Awareness is key: We just won’t stoop or succumb anywhere to such base methods.


Syria Free – From Russia with ‘Love’ – The USA and the President-elect

Photo of vintage world map with small packages connected by string lines to indicate trade routes
Image licensed via Adobe CC

The historical examples are all there – one way or another, all over the place. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed and our heads clear – and our calm in the face of adversity: Putin and Trump are and have been for years:
Best buddies.

In a little over a month now Trump is going to take office. He’s prepared his way to dictatorship.

Once they unite all the countries still free will have to make an effort to stay free.
Why? He wouldn’t start war on half the world?
No, it would be even easier. Plain blackmail could do it, from both sides.
Gas from Russia, high taxes on goods, trade and military support denials as well as harsh negotiating on the side of the US.
You name it.

Be prepared! We need freedom of thought and opinion and press (!) as well as political or private calling.

What’s free in that sense?

Freedom of opinion, press, thought and way of life. The human rights.

Because even now the first signs are there on the horizon that traditionally free and independent media are wondering; starting to ‘count their words’, mind their ‘ps’ and ‘qs’, as it were.
There’s a documentary about that too: From 2017, when the president-elect in the US took office for the first time.

He was adverse and fighting the press whenever they reported the truth, no matter what, about him. Calling it fake news and condemning them. The Supreme Court Justices are made up of a majority of justices that stem from his followers, his ‘ranks’.

Only recently the charges against him were dropped on account of him being in office for the time when illegal Russian influence with his knowledge and consent veered votes towards him in 2017.


All those with huge amounts of money are more or less behind him. Which accounts for a constant, ongoing press campaign.

And anyone a little knowledgeable about the way of marketing knows that anything goes – as long as it is published.  The juicier, the more impact.

USA: War Games Ahead – The Historical Pattern of Cover-up – ‘Short-selling’ Children? – Intelligentsia Fleeing the Country

Image with two sides showing children playing on the left and chess pieces on the right
(Images licensed via Adobe CC)

The times have been dark indeed before. Dark in the sense of tragic and dreadful actions ahead. Not because people were unable to differentiate good from bad. Is it really alright to do anything just for money? Kill, destroy, and then occupy and build with what you have to sell?

Earning money this way: When a country is destroyed completely you have a 100% growth rate in a few decades to come.
And one or the other of those recently appointed to ‘leadership’ in the US may reckon they wouldn’t care too much, since they probably won’t live that long anyway…

Just yesterday a court of law ruled that the legal action against Mr. Trump, president-elect, be dropped for the time being. Since it is about the election 2020 and the proven manipulation of results, this could be the end of it because the statute of limitations might be reached by the time Trump leaves office again.

If he does at all…

The increasing postings online of frightened and worrying ‘brains’ (intelligentsia: people who are well-educated and use their knowledge productively) in the USA thinking of actually leaving a country that has been almost the epitome of freedom of thought and opinion for generations, proves dark times, indeed.

So many signs are there to promise that he will try and become another dictator, similar to Putin’s way to power in Russia… We may not be let go this time anymore.

‘We’, because the power balances in place since World War II let anything the USA and their foreign policies start, have a forceful impact on Europe – and indeed the world.

I still believe that we need to take a closer look at what is gong on at the moment, in politics and especially media:
Be careful to see the signs and stop war-mongering. Stop propaganda. It’s completely unnecessary!

Because, no woman, mother, father, child, brother or uncle deserves to be killed just because a few companies will profit by selling weapons and supplies – and the ones in power are too lazy to do their job properly, keep peace, negotiate – and find better ways of work than weapon factories.


Elections 2024: The Shame of the US-culture – Dictatorship in the Making – Plutocracy: The Reign of the Rich – The “Hard-Times Effect” – Let the Fight Continue

animated image of US flag shopping cart and text "bought 'US' some president" and the number 2024
(Image licensed Adobe CC)

In all the nightmare of news after the recent voting there’s one glimmer of comfort:
In the past, hard times had similar effects on elections, all around the world: Where there’s unemployment, rising prices and uncertainty in forecasts for the future, the right-wing populists always had the stronger arguments – because they make false promises and don’t care about truth.


Let’s remember that they mean ‘business’, in the true sense of the word, the ‘G.O.P.’, that party calling themselves ‘Republicans’.
In ancient Greek that kind of naming was called a ‘euphemism‘: Naming something bad using a fine term.

(The term ‘euphemism’ was invented first for the ‘Black Sea’ known in the Mediterranean to be full of dangerous and troublesome waters and winds, the ‘Pontos Euxeinos’, the hospitable sea…)

This party and its followers simply accumulate money. They don’t really care about others in times of crises, and never will: They didn’t in the past and they won’t in the future. There’s ample proof in newspapers such as the New York Times’ or Washington Post’s past editions, both having been awarded Pulitzer prizes for their reporting quality and reliability.

Dictatorship ahead…

To summarize the ‘quality’ of this man who’s been elected in this year 2024 for president of the United States of America, at the moment the most powerful nation on this earth (why…?), a couple of many more truths about him – signs for a possible intended dictatorship:

    • The Supreme Court Justices at that one-time revered legal institution as well as highest and last legal instance in the US’s legal system, are necessary for a change of the constitution in order to ’empower’ a dictator(ship).
    • They were in majority selected and instated from his political stronghold – during his last time in office.
    • Via Twitter (now X) he initiated the attack on the Capitol in January 2021.
    • He was ruled guilty on 34 counts in May 2024. Yet, the Supreme Court(!) confirmed his immunity during his time in office.
    • He has committed several acts punishable by criminal law, especially fraud, bribery and embezzlement.
    • He was indicted on sexual abuse and found partly guilty.
    • During the 1960s he drove several of his businesses into failure on purpose in order to save his own assets, thus willingly ruining thousands of small stakeholders.
    • In fact: He is criminal and ruthless.
    • He is best buddy with Putin in Russia. Another dictator.
    • There’s only a fine line left to divide them (him and his actual ‘stakeholders’) from a dictatorship.
      By a coup, or even without one…

That sorry excuse for a man, now president-elect, has prepared his way to dictatorship. And with him such people as Elon Musk, another embarrassing entity calling itself a human being.

These to me are bitter yet clear ways to express the range of my frustration and actual dread of what they intend to be doing.

The ‘Monetary’ Cultural Basis

One thing is obvious too: That dratted cultural basis the US have in unwritten laws of admiring the so-called ‘successful’ writes it in clear and large Menetekel-letters:
Never mind about others, diversity, responsibility, or truthfulness. Just go for the richest man.
It’s been part of some religious bodies even: That he who wins more riches is fine in God’s eye. It’s a disputed reading of some old texts. But it’s been around for too long.

Let Our Voices be Heard

Let’s stay united as those holding the real values at heart. There are quite some troubles ahead. But there always have been. And there also always were those that would try to paralise clear thinking by false threats and defeatism.

Look back at the history around the year 1000 – by the Georgian calendar – that is being used to this day in its modern version in Western countries: The patterns are pretty familiar…

The fight of the voice, in writing and in talking, is the one I mean: Every voice counts, remember that too!

Take your democratic right into your hands and let your political representatives all around the world know personally what you want. Each and every day.

Peace, equality and diversity.

Vote Democrats: Elections 2024 as Proof of a Strong Democracy in the US

President Biden and Vice President Harris meeting with Former President Obama (Image Wikimedia Commons)

The two attacks on the actual Republican candidate may be false – fake – a fluke to ensure his presence in media. I am not naming names, these days, if I can help it. Real or staged there’s no room in a real democracy for such acts of violence.

Be that as it may: He has been proven to be a person with no responsibility except towards himself and those with money. The kind of money that comes in cartloads. Bluntly put.

The Republicans stand for all the values that endanger a democracy. Their candidate was actively involved in the attack on the Capitol. They do not favour the support of the unfortunate, support weapons and their lobbies, and in general are in favour of an economy that is regulated by the markets alone.

But history is ample proof, in the US as well as elsewhere, that this does not work. The favouritism with capital will constantly shift the wealth of a society towards the already rich and wealthy – when everybody in truth is involved creating products, goods, marketable output.

Democrats on the other hand favour a wise and socially responsible policy for all concerned. Their advocating a society of equality, diversity and freedom in accordance with human and civil rights is legend.

Check the values!

Vote wisely, the Democratic party, as I stated before, may – just as any human institution – not be perfect; but they strive to do the best for the whole of a society – not just a select few.

And: They made the first African American president Barrack Obama possible!

Stop the Republican Candidate – Vote Democrats!

Screenshot taken from at 18-08-2024_15-44-37 CEST — showing Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and followers

The former president D. Trump running for office again and being part of that party misleadingly calling itself “Republicans” is not to be pitied.

I wonder if it wasn’t a ruse even — that attack. But that is actually not really important at this time. He is neither to be trusted nor is he a good man, or ever was.

His past is full of financial irresponsibility, he actually only recently has been found guilty in a court of law of the United States after a proper action before that court.

He has hurt thousands of ‘little’ people during the 1970s that had trusted him and his enterprise, ruining their existence by taking their money and getting out in time himself.

He was best buddy to president Putin in Russia, who even supported his election the first time using illegal, online measures that have been proven.

Link to the Pulitzer Prize committee‘s official site, stating that fact:

“The 2018 Pulitzer Prize Winner in National Reporting — Staffs of The New York Times and The Washington Post”

Seems he is billions of dollars ‘worth’ — but when you look at his deeds (not his words) you will find it proven, too:

He ist not worth your vote.

Why Democrats? Because although being human and thus not flawless — they are the only ones smart and strong enough to prevent the hell of a second presidency of that Republican sorry-excuse-for-a-man.

Vote for peace and equality.

It’s the Bible even, that says it clearly:

“You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?”
(English Standard Version, 2016)