A Stranger Among Us – Sidney Lumet – The Beauty of Humanity

Sidney Lumet is counted among the ‘great ones’, directors that have not only won awards but made movies that broaden the perspective as well as add to that art a special way of doing them: The “silver screen” as a mirror held up to  life.

A Stranger Among Us is unexpected: It starts out as a thriller and action movie with car races and criminal chases all complete. Looking closely there is the close-knit community of considerate people as a nucleus inside the modern North American society that often seems lost in a sea of hard-boiled detectives and the effect of such a mindset on real life: Always “cool, calm and collected”, with enough cynicism to carry you through…

A woman as the female ‘cop’ and protagonist to unravel a mystery that eventually makes her find a new way to deal with life and love.