‘Social media’ have their limitations and their uses. I use them with care – but I also know what I do not need. I can only share with any of my readers who are wondering: Make sure you ‘turn them off’ regularly, too.
Just as in former times people were wondering about being ‘in’, about ‘belonging’, so can social media these days create the impression that some things are crucial and should and have to be followed in order to be up-to-date.
That is NOT the case!
At some point you will – especially if yet young – come to realize that not ‘every thing’ is worth your while – nor ‘every body’.
Yes, the downside can be that there are people who use these channels just as they would ‘real life meetings’: To bother and torture others they find irritating.
Because that is what bullies do: They try to ‘remove’ the concept, the idea of life that seems to call their own into question.
And there are those that just have to be right, because being wrong is not contained in their own image of themselves. Almost sad really: They usually grow up believing that making mistakes is basically some sort of ‘sin’.
The thing that must not be.
I personally like to deal with social media a little like a tool that can be sharp and should be handled with care and laid down when not necessary anymore.
I like to observe a certain way of being respectful and polite.
But I also know that just as in real life there are all kinds of people around.
But I do not like to be around any kind of people… neither online, nor offline. I stick to my values and aim at spending quality time only with people of like mind.
My father put it rather graphically this way, in regard to judging the majority’s beliefs:
“If a million flies sit on excrement – do you have to sit there too?”