Mandatory Vaccines against the Plague, Poliomyelitis or Lockjaw (Tetanus) are basics. No one doubts for one minute how important they are. Dreadful diseases, each and every one of them.
The plague was a scourge – and still would be if people hadn’t been mass-vaccinated into the 1970s when I was still a child. It was considered a merit, not to say a virtue to be vaccinated against it. Since then the plague has been basically extinct globally.
But the Corona-virus vaccines are still a matter of discussion in political bodies – as regards making them mandatory?
How is it possible?
Haven’t we seen enough people dying – or seriously sick with dreadful symptoms, especially in the respiratory system?
Isn’t ‘Long-Covid’ – as a summary of symptoms persisting months up to a year after an infection and surviving it – ‘plague’ enough?
What has to happen in terms of costs, billions and billions all around the globe, dollars, euros, pounds, you name it… until proper laws are made, at last?
How many doctors and nurses have yet to be brought to their knees, figuratively speaking, in terms of severe fatigue, burnout, and eventually quitting their jobs?
Does no one have a heart for them?
It’s incredible – tragic, not to say cruel.
What are legislative bodies afraid of, really?
The official WHO (World Health Organisation) video on how it is faster and still safe in these times to approve new vaccines: